11 Ways to Use Facebook Live for Business
I wrote a blog post back in August of 2015 on ways to use Periscope for business (Periscope, may she rest in peace). Although the app itself is still around, its popularity has definitely dwindled since social media giant Facebook introduced its own version of live video. Although they weren’t the first ones to bring […]
28 Ways to Use Your Facebook Cover Photo
Whaaatttt, Chloe wrote a blog?! I know, it’s crazy. I literally haven’t published anything here since March. I have been so incredibly busy with my (not so new anymore) job and creating a huge project for the company that this here blog has completely fallen to the back burner. But I’m back, and I have […]
How to Gain More Instagram Followers
People love looking at pretty things. This is why Instagram is so vastly popular, and also why it quickly changed from people sharing random pictures from their day to stylized photographs with professional lighting. I know that I myself could spend hours on end just going through and liking pretty pictures (and sometimes I do). […]
24 Ways to Use Twitter Lists for Business
I follow well over 1,300 people on Twitter. Getting anything valuable out of my news feed would take hours of scrolling and ain’t nobody got time for that. For awhile I really tried to limit the number of people that I followed, but eventually I just gave up. Then I found the true beauty of […]
How to Host a Twitter Chat – The Ultimate Guide + Free Checklist
This post is a guest contribution from Rebecca Viner. You want to start building community around your blog/personal brand. You’ve been participating in chats and communities, and you’ve been thinking about forming your own. You don’t want something that takes too much time out of your day, but you do want something that really gets […]